About Me

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•♥´¨`♥••♥´¨`♥• Life is a tangle of twisting paths. Some short. Some long. There are dead ends. And there are choices. And wrong turns, and detours, and yield signs, and instruction booklets, and star maps, and happiness, and loneliness. And friends. And sisters. And love. And poetry. Life is a maze. You are a maze. I am a maze. Amazed (U). And amazing (ME). ;) •♥´¨`♥••♥´¨`♥• (not my creation though i changed d last lines)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day Today - 13th Feb'09

Have just one word for today - DEPRESSING..!!

But then, all Fridays are. Depressing Fridays, teach us the value of blissfully shorter weekends. Getting two days of off for weekend is a luxury in itself.
My Yellow shoes, again made the headlines and yeah It was as i said on popular demand, me and everyone around me was missing those :( .... I love them :)

So Nothing more special about the day, But yeah further plans are of course lined up, I have movies waiting in my pen drive. Which will keep me occupied for tonight, next day is still undecided though - What am I gonna do, whether to go home and sit idle or shopping or form a plan with friends.
Sunday is completely planned out though, with friends receiving the pending Treat of my birthday, and me receiving the pending gifts from their side, what do i ask for, well something that brings a hole to their pockets, well that's something still to be figured out.


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